Flower Power

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Flower Power | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 4 x 4 x 1.5” depth

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Flower Power | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 4 x 4 x 1.5” depth

What little thing brings you happiness?

For me, one of my little loves is flowers. They make me happy from their beautiful colorful blooms to their lovely scents. I really admire people that have a green thumb and can grow and put together amazing floral arrangements. I have to admit so far that has not been me! Every year the little slugs, pesky rabbits and overly friendly deer (just to name a few) seem to find a way to eat away at mine!

Since February is the month of love, I’ve decided to take this month to focus on something that brings me happiness. Therefore, I’m setting out to take some time to plan and learn about creating a “simple” flower garden. On these winter days, I’m envisioning gazing out at my colorful new Zinnia flower garden with fresh bouquets filling my house this summer.

Someone that inspires me with her beautiful garden designs and flower arrangements is Alissa Thompson of IndieGrow Flowers, a local gardner and floral designer in my home town of Traverse City. I love her work so much that I’ve reached out to Alissa to see if she would be willing to talk with us about planning a garden and the secret to creating perfect arrangements. We’ll be sharing our conversation with Alissa later this month. In addition, I will be working on a painting a series of flowers featuring some of her beautiful bouquets.

This mini painting (above) is called “Flower Power.” It captures the beauty and color of one of Alissa’s beautiful bouquets. I hope the painting brings you as much happiness as it did for me to paint and that you find yourself doing something this month that you love too!

Painting above by Heather Harrington
Flower Power | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
This painting is for sale and can be purchased by clicking the title.


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