A Bucket of Joy

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: A Bucket of Joy | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 10” x 10” 5/8” depth

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: A Bucket of Joy | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 10” x 10” 5/8” depth

I painted this painting of my daughter Kinsey on our vacation to Cape San Blas, Florida.

I painted this painting of my daughter Kinsey on our vacation to Cape San Blas, Florida.

Are you facing a daily grind? Do you feel like you’ve lost your mojo?

After coming back from vacation I expected to feel re-energized and renewed.

Instead the last two weeks have been a struggle. Let’s just say it feels like I’m off track, like I’ve forever lost my “mojo.”

This left me questioning: How do I make each day the best day, and the best of times? Especially, when things in the world seem so hard and so many are hurting.

The pandemic often feels never ending and I don’t want to live each day “waiting for it to be over.” I want each day to be the best that it can be. And I want to show up for others being my best self.

A few years back, I read my girls a wonderful book, “How full is your Bucket? for kids” by Tom Rath. The book’s message, although simple, was powerful and stuck with me. Even if I find myself losing sight of it from time to time.

When your bucket is full you feel positive, confident and happy and spread that joy to others but when your bucket is empty it causes you to feel and see the world in a negative way. In turn, spreading negative emotions and behaviors to those around you. This negativity takes from their buckets as well as depleting your own.

You can fill your bucket by being kind, grateful and generous.

Today, I’m focusing on filling my bucket with the hopes that I can help to fill others.

The painting above I finished last week and is titled “A Bucket of Joy.”


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