Out of the Grey

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Out of the Grey | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 12” x 12” 5/8” depth

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Out of the Grey | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 12” x 12” 5/8” depth

The inspiration behind the painting, the beautiful bay in my hometown of Traverse City, Michigan.

The inspiration behind the painting, the beautiful bay in my hometown of Traverse City, Michigan.

Foggy, damp, and grey–the weather seemed to reflect my mood this morning. And the state of life for so many during the last year.

I laced up my shoes and decided to step outside and into the grey. A run would do me good. A run might clear some of the fog in my mind.

As I approached the bay, I could feel the dampness of the fog. I kept running. I had a difficult decision on my mind.

As it always does, life had been changing, and I had to decide if I was going to be brave enough to change with it.

I took another step forward. As I did, I took in the view. While grey, it was also serene and even pretty.

I kept running. A few large birds flew overhead. I looked up to watch them and spotted an eagle perched atop a tall pine tree gazing outward. It appeared strong, confident, and wise.

I kept moving, moving forward—one tiny step at a time. As I did, the view continued to change, and I noticed the color in the tall grasses more than the grey. I could feel the fog lifting, and hope began to settle in.

On my way home, I again saw the pine tree, the eagle still perched atop it. As I got closer, the eagle opened its broad wings and took flight. It soared over me as I ran.

I had almost reached home, the fog still present, but I no longer noticed it. I was looking ahead, out of the grey.

What small step can you make today to move out of the grey?


My latest painting titled “Out of the Grey” was inspired by my run along the beautiful West Bay in my hometown of Traverse City, Michigan. I hope you enjoy it and that it brings some color to your day!

Size: 12 x 12” | Acrylic on Canvas | Painted by Heather Harrington


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