More than a Cup

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: More than a Cup | Acrylic on Canvas 10” x 10” .875” depth

Life has felt incredibly hectic lately, as it does for many this time of year.

I long for it to slow down.

As I often do when life feels out of sorts, I brew a cup of tea.

I breathe a little more deeply as I sit to enjoy it.

Wrapping my hands around the cup, I take in the warmth and aroma. The tea, still too hot to sip.

I wait for it to cool and realize I've stopped racing. For just a few moments, I've gotten off the hamster wheel of life.

I've paused from the never-ending to-do lists. The unreturned texts. The requests of my children. From everything I'm supposed to be.

I instead take in the stillness, and my frazzled thoughts start to settle.

As I take my first sip, the sweet flavor of the tea lingers. I feel a new calm wash over me.

This cup of tea was a gift given to me by a loved one.

I'm grateful for the pause. And the simple pleasures in life, all too easily forgotten, like a good cup of tea.


Painting Titled: More than a Cup
Size: 10 x 10” | Acrylic on Canvas | Painted by Heather Harrington


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