Opening the Door - Within

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Within | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 10” x 10” x .875”

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Within | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 10” x 10” x .875”

We open doors countless times per day, often with no thought whatsoever. It’s just an instinctive step in the process of getting us to where we want to go or inviting someone into our home.

But those are physical doors. What about metaphorical ones? Those that lead to our hopes and dreams. Why do those doors seem so hard to open, let alone step through?

For years, I held close my hopes and dreams—not sharing them and certainly not acting on them. I held them so close that I shut out all the light and almost smothered them altogether. Then one day, I cracked the door, not wide, but just enough to let some light in and let some of me out.

Little by little, it became easier to widen the door to show what was within. And as I did, I became happier. And as I became happier, I shared it with others and on it went.

This painting (above) is called “Within.” It shows how beautiful our “messy” can be when we are brave enough to open the door to it. I hope you enjoy the bright, happy colors, and maybe even get inspired to crack a door to something that you are holding close.

Painting above by Heather Harrington
Within | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
This painting is for sale and can be purchased by clicking the title.


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