Standing Strong

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Standing Strong | Acrylic

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Standing Strong | Acrylic

Last weekend, Jay and I were able to get away to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula for the first time without kids since last October. We stayed at a quaint house overlooking Lake Superior in Marquette. I’ve only been to Marquette once before but it is quickly becoming one of my favorite places to visit for its serene setting and natural beauty.

While there, we hiked through Presque Isle Park, a peninsula close to downtown Marquette that juts out into the beautiful waters of Lake Superior. We made our way to the northern tip of the park to take in the rocky landscape at one of the park’s signature spots called Black Rocks. As the name suggests, the ancient rocks are black with pops of other colors. The view from the rocks is amazing.

As I stood there taking in the moment, I couldn’t help but think of the strong rocks beneath my feet and the crashing waves in front of me. It felt symbolic of the time we are in, and I was reminded that waves will come and they will go but it is how you weather the storm that counts.

The painting above is of the view looking out from Black Rocks. It is titled “Standing Strong.” I hope you enjoy it!


Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Standing Strong | Acrylic


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