Bubble the Hedgehog - Pets of the Pandemic

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Bubble the Hedgehog | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 10” x 10” x .875”

Painting by Heather Harrington | Titled: Bubble the Hedgehog | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas 10” x 10” x .875”

Samantha and Bubble

Samantha and Bubble

Meet Bubble, a sweet and shy little African Pygmy Hedgehog, owned by Samantha Walsh and her family from Traverse City, Michigan.

Samantha was a girl on a mission she dreamed of having a hedgehog for a pet. So she worked hard and saved all of her babysitting money for months and researched everything she could about African Pygmy Hedgehogs. She paid for the pet, cage, food, and accessories all by herself.

Below is my conversation with Samantha on what it’s like to have a hedgehog for a pet!


What made you want to get an African Pygmy Hedgehog?

I wanted to have a pet that would not take too much work, but would be fun to have around. I also did not want a pet that smelled badly. I chose an African Pygmy because it is the only Hedgehog breed that is legal to own in Michigan, plus they are the cutest ones.


How did you come up with the cute name Bubble?

My sister and I agreed to the name Bubble because she is round like a bubble but can also pop a bubble. he he!


Your mom mentioned that you take complete care of Bubble, that is awesome! Describe what is it like to care for a hedgehog? It is a lot of work?

It is not a lot of work to care for a Hedgehog. I have to make sure to hold her at least once a day to make sure I keep a strong bond with her. I have to clean her cage once a week and wash her fleece that is lined on the bottom of her cage (I don't use bedding because of the smell). My little sister feeds and keeps her water filled every day, but if she forgets, I do it. She is nocturnal, so she sleeps until around 6pm and then she is ready to play. That is good for my schedule because I'm in school all day then doing homework.


Tell us one fun or unique thing about Bubble and her personality? Does she do any tricks?

One unique thing is that Hedgehogs are very shy animals, and Bubble is the same way. They prefer to be alone. She pretty much only likes me. She hisses at other people and tucks into herself when other people try to touch her. She does not like loud noises. It really scares her. The other unique thing is that she is really fast. She can run fast and tuck into a ball really fast!


Why did Bubble make a great pandemic buddy?

It was nice to have Bubble as a pandemic buddy because when I was bored I could play with her and learn about Hedgehogs and how to take care of them. It helped me focus on something fun.

Thank you for painting Bubble. It is a beautiful painting. And thank you for your interest in pandemic pets.

A special thank you to Samantha and Erica for sharing Bubble’s story with us!

Painting above by Heather Harrington
Bubble the Hedgehog | Acrylic on Stretched Canvas
This painting is for sale and can be purchased by clicking the title.


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